We’ve often heard “better late than never;” and dog-gone, its never been more true than it is today! Our initial plan to launch our revamped website and online store last month was stalled by things out of our paw-trol—that means “things out of our control” for all the hoomans out there who don’t understand our bark. Daddy and dad-da are working hard to get things up to speed and current with the times for the furbulous merchandise we have in store for you. While they continue to get things in order and clean up the mess that the month of March left for us we would like to point out our pawspective on what “being late but always showing up” can really mean for hoomans and pups alike. Yes, we are pups, because we all—hoomans too—stay young at heart, right?! 

Much like hooman parents with little hoomans struggle with the work-life balance of parenting and playing, adolescence and adulthood, and failures and successes pet parents experience similar highs and lows as they navigate loving, training, and caring for their furbabies, which by-the-way are a whole other species. What can be more frightening than the unknown? Not knowing where to go, who to reach out to, or how to navigate stormy waters can be very daunting to say the least.

When the world is not kind to us we find ourselves in despair. And here we are at another crossroads for Pawfields. We must make a decision and the possible outcomes are scary. How does one keep moving forward when the risks are so great and everything around them seems to be holding them back? Our love for another keeps us going. But it is hope that we must keep in our grasp. The fire that is sparked by our love for each other and our four-legged friends is what we must carry ahead. While we may be late finding that love and though it may take seasons to ignite that love the hope we hold dear to is what will lead us to our dream. “Better late than never” is an acclamation and declaration to never give up.

Due to certain variables we could not change and factors impacting the lives of our hoomans we’ve needed to take a few paw-steps back and reassess the status and direction of Pawfields. We are boldly declaring our perseverance. Although our desire and mission to establish a premier dog-daycare will take a bit longer than expected we will continue to charge forward and implement strategies and projects that will propel us to a place of financial stability and growth for something more than we initially imagined. We might be late, but we are not giving up!

With that said, we dig in and stand firmly on the ground where we are, keeping our eyes peeled, ears tuned, noses up, and paws forward for a better tomorrow at Pawfields. We are excited for the progress that is to come. And we appreciate your support as we grow!